About us
A team of Web Specialists
Our members were profeccinal freelancer before join XROSS CUBE. We have high skills for survive in freelance work.
Our main territory is e-Commerce in Japan and around Asia using Open Source CMS.
Please contact us if you have a interested in e-Commerce in Japan and Asia.
EC-CUBE® Official Integrate Partner
XROSS CUBE is Official Integrate Partner ( Silver Rank ) of EC-CUBE. That is proof of our knowledge of EC-CUBE.
And, we are commit codes to EC-CUBE and organize User Group Meetup in Tokyo and KL, Malaysia.
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/eccube.tokyo/
- https://eccube-tokyoug.connpass.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/eccube.malaysia/
concrete5 Community Leader
This web site is developed by concrete5.
concrete5 Japan Officeal Commiter
We are oldest member of concrete5 Japan community and developing Japanese version.
Our CEO, Tao Sasaki was first CTO of concrete5 Japan, Inc.